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Housing Loan Survey

Summary Data

Total NRP funds spent on neighborhood NRP plan allocations4 $102,000,000
(NRP inception through September 2000)

Percentage of total NRP funds spent on home improvement loan/grant programs 27.4%

Amount of total NRP funds spent on home improvement loan/grant programs5 $ 28,008,575

Funds from other sources spent on NRP home improvement loan/grant projects6 $ 33,610,290

Total NRP funds & funds from other sources spent on these home improvements $ 61,618,865

Ratio of funds from other sources to NRP funds spent on these home improvements 1.2 to 1

Increase in number of building permits (1992 to 1997)7 2,674

Average loan/grant amount8 $5,010

Total properties receiving NRP loans or grants9 6,400

Total Minneapolis residential structures 103,549

Percentage of total residential properties receiving NRP loans or grants 6.2%

NRP contracting neighborhoods having a loan or grant program 57 of 64

Survey respondents 500 (7.8%)

Percentage change of housing units rated below average (1997 to 1999) + 6.5%

Increase in median home sales price (1993 to 2000) $75,900 to $118,000 (55%)

4 Source: NRP

5 Source: NRP

6 Source: NRP

7 NRP Evaluation Report Phase One: 1990-1999 by Teamworks, pages 75-77

8 Based on information available about 90% of the total loans and grants.

9 Calculated, based on information on 90% of the total recipients

Summary Data
Conclusions Program Recipients Survey Results
Methodology Related Research Footnotes

Housing Loan Survey Table of Contents


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