Neighborhood Action Plan Summary - Phase I


Year One
Housing *
Mod #s
1.1.A.1 NE Home Ownership Resource Center _ $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 ____$90,000.00 $90,000.00    
1.2.A.1 Deferred Loan/Grant Program _ $222,910.08 $292,000.00 $110,000.00 __$19,273.10 _$624,910.08 $624,910.08 $19,273.10 2,5,9,16,17,18
1.2.A.2 Owner-Occupied Revolving Loan Program _ $310,120.00 $115,000.00 $4,875.16 ___$885.99 $429,995.16 $429,995.16 $885.99 1,8,9,15,17,18,21,22,23
1.3.A.1 Cop-On-Every-Block Program _ __$124.84 ____$124.84 $124.84   5,7,9
1.3.B.1 Duplex Conversion / GAP Program _ _______      9,12,14
1.3.B.2 Down Payment Assistance Program _ $40,000.00 ______$40,000.00 $40,000.00   9,12,18
1.4.A.1 Demolitions _ _______      11
1.4.A.2 Purchase/Demolition Program _ _______      9
1.5.A.1 Abs.-Owned Property Improvement Program _ $41,000.00 ______$41,000.00 $41,000.00   1,8,13,18
2.1.A.1 Implement Crime & Safety Initiatives _ $32,000.00 $12,225.00 _____$44,225.00     3,10
2.1.B.1 Equipment for Block Clubs _ _______      9,10
2.1.D.1 Enforce Existing Ordinances _ _$4,828.09 $3,825.00 ____$8,653.09     3,16
2.1.E.1 Matching Grants for Motion Detectors _ _______      10
2.1.F.1. Bicycle Amenities _ $10,000.00 ______$10,000.00     9
2.1.G.1. Community Health Program _ $5,075.00 $18,750.00 $12,175.00 $14,000.00 ___$50,000.00     10
3.1.A.1 Pierre Bottineau Library Support _ $90,000.00 _$10,000.00 ____$100,000.00     7
3.1.A.2 Youth Employment Service Program _ $5,682.33 ______$5,682.33     14
3.1.B.1 Multi-Neighborhood Community Center _ _______      7
3.1.C.1. Sheridan School Parking Improvements _ _______      6
4.1.A.1.a Ritz Theatre Restoration _ $155,000.00 ______$155,000.00     11
4.1.A.2 Polish White Eagle Accessibility _ _______      11
4.1.A.4. Eastside Food Co-op _ $33,675.00 ______$33,675.00   $10,209.96 10,16,17,19,20,24
4.1.B.1 Business Improvement Fund _ $59,000.00 $100,000.00 _____$159,000.00   $3,586.17 5,13,16,17,224
5.1.A.1 Oversee Implementation _ $25,215.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 __$49,215.00 $33,466.20   4,16,23
PHASE 1r TOTAL  $31,572.59 $946.91 $160,000.00         $192,519.50   $226,412.38  
TOTAL  $1,091,250.00 $579,750.00 $337,000.00 $20,000.00 $6,000.00 $2,034,000.00 $1,259,496.28 $255,367.60  
% FOR HOUSING68%    
*Some values in the Total Housing column are administrative costs that are housing related.
No.Plan Step ModifiedApprovedDescription
1Full Action Plan06/01/98The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to modify the wording of Owner-Occupied Revolving Loan Program (Housing 2.A.2.) and Absentee-Owned Property Improvement Program (Housing 5.A.1.) to include Union Bank and Trust Company as a partner on these programs. No funds are shifted as a result of this modification.
2Full Action Plan07/01/99The NRP Director, based on Policy Board and City Council approvals, appoved a modification to the plan to reallocate future funds allocated to Deferred Loan/Grant Programs (Housing 2.A.1.) into the current year. Specifically, the modification shifts $150,000 ($75,000 in 2000 and $75,000 in 2002) into 1999.
3Full Action Plan03/30/00The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $9,600 ($5,775 in 1999 and $3,825 in 2000) to Enforcement/Community Policing (Crime and Safety 1.D.1.) from Implement Crime and Safety Initiatives (Crime and Safety 1.A.1.). The modification also makes a minor language revision to Enforcement/Community Policing (Crime and Safety 1.D.1.) to include community policing initiatives.
4Full Action Plan04/05/01The NRP Director approved of a modification to the plan to revise the wording of Oversee Implementation (Implementation 1.A.1.) to allow for support of collaborative projects that further NRP efforts.
5Full Action Plan06/06/01The NRP Director approved, based on approvals by the MRT, Policy Board and City Council, a modification to the plan to reallocate $200,000 ($100,000 in 1999 and $100,000 in 2000) from Cop-On-Every-Block Program (Housing 3.A.1.) to the following strategies: (1) $100,000 in 1999 to a new strategy, Business Exterior Improvement Loan Program (Business 1.B.1.); and (2) $100,000 in 2000 to Deferred Loan/Grant Program (Housing 2.A.1.).
6Full Action Plan01/16/02The NRP Director approved, based on Policy Board and City Council approvals, a modification to the plan to add a new strategy to the plan, Improve Sheridan School Parking Area (Youth 1.C.1.). No funds are reallocated as a result of this strategy; the Minneapolis Public Schools will use its NRP funds to implement the strategy.
7Full Action Plan10/22/01The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $80,000 ($70,000 in 1998 and $10,000 in 2000) to Pierre Bottineau Library Support (Youth 1.A.1.) from the following two strategies: (1) $70,000 in 1998 from Multi-Neighborhood Community Center (Youth 1.B.1.); and (2) $10,000 in 2000 from Cop-on-Every-Block Program (Housing 3.A.1.). The modification also renames and revises the wording of Pierre Bottineau Library Support (Youth 1.A.1.) to include site improvements, interior enhancements and collection acquisitions.
8Full Action Plan10/31/01The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $100,000 in 1998 from Absentee-Owned Property Improvement Program (Housing 5.A.1.) to Owner-Occupied Revolving Loan Program (Housing 2.A.2.).
9Full Action Plan02/18/03 The NRP Director, based on Policy Board and City Council approval, approved a plan modification to reallocate a total of $546,375.16. The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $136,375.16 ($116,500 in 1998; $15,000 in 1999; and $4,875.16 in 2000) from Cop-on-Every-Block Program (Housing 3.A.1.); (2) $50,000 ($28,000 in 1998 and $22,000 in 1999) from Duplex Conversion Program (Housing 3.B.1.); (3) $350,000 ($120,000 in 1998; $120,000 in 1999; and $110,000 in 2000) from Purchase/Demolition Program (Housing 4.A.2.); and (4) $10,000 in 1998 from Equipment for Block Clubs (Crime and Safety 1.B.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $300,000 ($148,000 in 1998; $142,000 in 1999; and $10,000 in 2000) to Deferred Loan/Grant Program (Housing 2.A.1.); (2) $136,375.16 ($116,500 in 1998; $15,000 in 1999; and $4,875.16 in 2000) to Owner-Occupied Revolving Loan Program (Housing 2.A.2.); (3) $100,000 in 2000 to Duplex Purchaser Program (Housing 3.B.2.); and (4) $10,000 in 1998 to a new strategy, Bicycle Amenities (Crime and Safety 1.F.1.). The modification also renames Duplex Purchaser Program (Housing 3.B.2.) to Downpayment Assistance Program (Housing 3.B.2.) and revises the wording of the strategy to include assistance to purchasers of single-family, duplex, triplex and fourplex properties.
10Full Action Plan11/24/03 The NRP Director, based on Policy Board and City Council approvals, approved a plan modification to reallocate a total of $83,675. The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $26,175 ($12,175 in 2000 and $14,000 in 2001) from Implement Crime and Safety Initiatives (Crime and Safety 1.A.1.); (2) $20,000 in 1998 from Equipment for Block Clubs (Crime and Safety 1.B.1.); and (3) $37,500 ($18,750 in 1998 and $18,750 in 1999) from Matching Grants for Motion Detectors (Crime and Safety 1.E.1.). The funds are reallocated to two new strategies: (1) $50,000 ($5,075 in 1998; $18,750 in 1999; $12,175 in 2000; and $14,000 in 2001) to a new strategy, Community Health Programs (Crime and Safety 1.G.1.); and (2) $33,675 in 1998 to a new strategy, Eastside Food Co-op (Business 1.A.4.).
11Full Action Plan09/15/03 The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $80,000 in 1998 to Ritz Theatre Restoration (Business 1.A.1a.) from the following strategies: (1) $30,000 in 1998 from 249 Demolitions (Housing 4.A.1.); and (2) $50,000 in 1998 from Polish White Eagle Accessibility (Business 1.A.2.). The modification also revises the wording of Ritz Theatre Restoration (Business 1.A.1a.) to include pre-development costs.
12Full Action Plan03/29/05 The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $180,000 ($20,000 in 1998 and $160,000 in 2000) from Downpayment Assistance Program (Housing 3.B.2.) to Duplex Conversion Program (Housing 3.B.1.). The modification also revises the wording of Duplex Conversion Program (Housing 3.B.1.) to include other underutilized properties.
13Full Action Plan09/07/06The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $59,000 in 1998 from Absentee-Owned Property Improvement Program (Housing 5.A.1.) to Business Exterior Improvement Loan Program (Business 1.B.1.).
14Full Action Plan01/29/09 The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate a total of $184,317.67 from Phase I strategies to Phase II strategies. The funds are reallocated from the following Phase I strategies: (1) $180,000 ($20,000 in 1998 and $160,000 in 2000) from Duplex Conversion Program (Housing 3.B.1.); and (2) $4,317.67 in 1998 from Youth Employment Service Program (Youth 1.A.2.). The funds are reallocated to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $27,317.67 ($24,317.67 in 1998; and $3,000 in 2000) to Phase II strategy, Sheridan Revolving Loan Fund (Phase II Plan, Housing 1.1.); (2) $50,000 in 2000 to Phase II strategy, Street Lighting (Phase II Plan, Crime and Safety 1.1.); (3) $50,000 in 2000 to Phase II strategy, Sheridan Arts District Signage (Phase II Plan, Arts and Business 1.1.); (4) $7,000 in 2000 to Phase II strategy, Business Exterior Improvement Loan Program (Phase II Plan, Arts and Business 1.6.); (5) $25,000 in 2000 to Phase II strategy, Water Street Park (Phase II Plan, Environment 1.1.); and (6) $25,000 in 2000 to Phase II strategy, Traffic Calming (Phase II Plan, Environment 2.5.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #14 and Phase II Plan Modification #1.)
15Full Action Plan12/07/09The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate a total of $196,400 of Program Income from Owner-Occupied Revolving Loan Program (Housing 2.A.2.) to Phase II strategy, Street Lighting (Phase II Plan, Crime and Safety 1.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #15 and Phase II Plan Modification #2.)
16Full Action Plan04/13/10The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate a total of $8,201.83 ($7,254.92 in 1998 and $946.91 in 1999) from Phase I strategies to Phase II strategy, Phase II Plan Implementation (Phase II Strategies, Community Building 1.4). The funds are reallocated from the following Phase I strategies: (1) $89.92 in 1998 from Deferred Loan/Grant Program (Housing 2.A.1.); (2) $946.91 in 1999 from Enforcement/Community Policing (Crime and Safety 1.D.1.); and (3) $7,165 in 1998 from Oversee Implementation (Implementation 1.A.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #16 and Phase II Plan Modification #3.) The modification also reallocates $2,666.22 in Program Income from Eastside Food Co-op (Business 1.A.4.) to Business Exterior Improvement Loan Program (Business 1.B.1.).
17Full Action Plan04/09/12On April 9, 2012, and revised on May 4, 2012, the NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate a total of $50,310.67 of Phase I funds previously reallocated to Phase II strategies. The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $4,910.67 in 2000 from Phase II strategy, Street Lighting (Phase II Strategies, Crime and Safety 1.1.); (2) $20,400 in 2000 from Phase II strategy, Sheridan Arts District Signage (Phase II Strategies, Arts and Business 1.1.); and (3) $25,000 in 2000 from Phase II strategy, Traffic Calming (Phase II Strategies, Environment 2.5.). The funds are reallocated to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $20,400 in 2000 to Phase II strategy, Business Exterior Improvement Loan Program (Phase II Strategies, Arts and Business 1.6.); (2) $25,000 in 2000 to Phase II strategy, Water Street Park (Phase II Strategies, Environment 1.1.); and (3) $4,910.67 in 2000 to Phase II strategy, Encourage Walking and Bicycle Use (Phase II Strategies, Environment 2.4.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #17 and Phase II Plan Modification #4.) The modification also reallocates $4,919.95 of Program Income from Eastside Food Co-op (Business 1.A.4.) to Business Exterior Improvement Loan Program (Business 1.B.1.). The modification also revises the wording of two strategies to allow for $30,000 of Program Income from Owner-Occupied Revolving Loan Program (Housing 2.A.2.) to be used for Deferred Loan Grant Program (Housing 2.A.1.).
18Full Action Plan08/09/12The NCR Director approved a plan modification to revise the wording of four Phase I strategies and three Phase II strategies to allow for the use of Program Income generated within one strategy to be used for any of the others. The Phase I strategies are: (1) Deferred Loan Grant Program (Housing 2.A.1.); (2) Owner-Occupied Revolving Loan Program (Housing 2.A.2.); (3) Downpayment Assistance Program (Housing 3.B.2.); and (4) Absentee-owned Property Improvement Program (Housing 5.A.1.). The Phase II strategies are: (1) Sheridan Revolving Loan Fund (Phase II Strategies, Housing 1.1.); (2) Home Buyer Assistance Program (Phase II Strategies, Housing 2.1.); and (3) Fix and Paint Loan Program (Phase II Strategies, Housing 2.2.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #18 and Phase II Plan Modification #5.)
19Full Action Plan09/11/17The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $10,000 in Program Income from Eastside Food Co-op (Business 1.A.4.) to Phase II strategy, Raingardens (Phase II Strategies, Environment 1.4.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #19 and Phase II Plan Modification #6.)
20Full Action Plan05/30/18The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $5,012.38 in Program Income from Eastside Food Co-op (Business 1.A.4.) to Phase II strategy, Raingardens (Phase II Strategies, Environment 1.4.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #20 and Phase II Plan Modification #8.)
21Full Action Plan04/03/19The NCR Director approved a plan modification to revise the wording of Owner-Occupied Revolving Loan Program (Housing 2.A.2.) to allow for grants.
22Full Action Plan08/13/19The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $5,000 in Program Income from Owner-Occupied Revolving Loan Program (Housing 2.A.2.) to Phase III priority, Micro Grant Initiative (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priority 3.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #22 and Phase III Plan Modification #2.)
23Full Action Plan09/26/19The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $6,380 in 1998 from Owner-Occupied Revolving Loan Program (Housing 2.A.2.) to Oversee Implementation (Implementation 1.A.1.).
2408/20/20The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $10,000 from the following strategies: (1) $5,000 in Program Income from Eastside Food Co-op (Business 1.A.4.); and (2) $5,000 in Program Income from Business Exterior Improvement Loan Program (Business 1.B.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $2,000 in Program Income to Raingardens (Phase II Strategies, Environment 1.4.); (2) $3,000 in Program Income to Phase II Plan Implementation (Phase II Strategies, Community Building 1.4.); and (3) $5,000 in Program Income to Wellness Program Volunteer Training (Phase II Strategies, Community Building 2.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #24 and Phase II Plan Modification #12.)

Sheridan Neighborhood Action Plan Summary (SU-7 P1) run on 07/26/2024 at 3:52 AM