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NRP Policy Board: June 25, 2007 Meeting Agenda


  2. APPROVE MINUTES of May 21, 2007


    1. Elliot Park Plan Modification Phase I #21 and Phase II #3

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the modification of the Elliot Park Neighborhood Phase I and Phase II Neighborhood Action Plans by moving $615,925.72 of NRP Phase I program income and funds remaining as non-contracted in Phase I strategies to strategies in the Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      ACTION TAKEN: [NRP / FR#2007-14]
      Moved: Jeffrey Strand/ Seconded: Debbie Evans

      RESOLVED: That, in accordance with its "Changing Approved Neighborhood Action Plans and Early Access Requests (amended Sept. 5, 1995)" policy, the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) hereby approves the following reallocation of $615,925.72 of Elliot Park Phase I NRP funds to strategies in the Elliot Park Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan approved by the Policy Board on January 23, 2006.

      From: Phase I Economic Development Strategy, Business Development Loan Fund h, Undesignated Loan Fund - ($241,750.67 - program income)

      Economic Development Strategy, Business Development Loan Fund h, Undesignated Loan Fund - ($35,700 - non-contracted funds)

      Housing and Environment Strategy 3.1, Hinkle Murphy ADA compliance ($166,002.05 - program income)

      Housing and Environment Strategy 3.6, Housing Loan/Grant Program ($172,473 - program income)

      To: Phase II Housing and Economic Development Strategy, Chicago Avenue Commercial Corridor ($190,176.72)

      Housing and Economic Development Strategy, Business Opportunities ($148,749)

      Community Livability and Public Realm Improvements Strategy, Community Building ($138,500)

      EPNI's Importance to Elliot Park Strategy, Sustain the neighborhood association ($138,500)

    2. Kingfield NRP Phase II Plan Modification #2

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the modification of the Kingfield Neighborhood NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan by moving $160,000 from a mixed use housing strategy to a home loan strategy.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      ACTION TAKEN: [NRP / FR#2007-15]
      Moved: Gail Dorfman/ Seconded: Byron Laher

      WHEREAS: The King Field neighborhood requests a modification to their approved NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan and;

      WHEREAS: The request exceeds the threshold for NRP Director approval;

      NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: In accordance with its "Changing Approved Neighborhood Action Plans and Early Access Requests (amended Sept. 5, 1995)" policy, the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) hereby approves the reallocation of $160,000 within the Kingfield NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan from Housing Development and Redevelopment Strategy Mixed-use Development, to Housing Development and Redevelopment Strategy Home Improvement Loans.

    3. Hennepin County Second 7.5% funds for the Bryant Neighborhood

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the use of up to $10,000 in Hennepin County's "Second 7.5%" NRP Funds for the Bryant Neighborhood to support the urban Arts Academy and to make this approval retroactive to January 1, 2006.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      ACTION TAKEN: [NRP / FR#2007-16]
      Moved: Mark Stenglein/ Seconded: Byron Laher

      BE IT RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board (Board) approves the use of up to $10,000 of Hennepin County "Second 7.5%" NRP Funds to provide funding for the Urban Arts Academy in support of children and family programs offered by the Academy in the Bryant Neighborhood,

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That this approval is retroactive to January 1, 2006 based on the action taken by the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners on December 13, 2005.

    4. Folwell Neighborhood NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Folwell Neighborhood NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan and authorize the use of up to $730,376 of NRP Program Funds to support the projects and programs in the plan.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      ACTION TAKEN: [NRP / FR#2007-17]
      Moved: Mark Stenglein/ Seconded: Byron Laher

      WHEREAS: On April 19, 2004, the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) established the Phase II allocation available for the Folwell neighborhood at $730,376 based on the Phase II revenues projected for NRP,

      WHEREAS: The Folwell neighborhood has conducted an extensive and inclusive Phase II plan development process,

      WHEREAS: The submitted Folwell NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan requests an allocation of $730,376 and dedicates 70% of that allocation to housing programs, projects, services and activities,

      BE IT RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) hereby accepts and adopts the Folwell Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan dated June 25, 2007,

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program Policy Board hereby authorizes the Director to request that the City Council and Mayor [a] approve the Folwell NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan, and specifically those parts of the Plan that fall under City jurisdiction, for their Phase II allocation of up to $730,376; [b] amend the 2007 General Appropriation Resolution to increase the Fund CNR0 (NRP Fund) by $229,869 from existing fund balance for implementation of the approved Plan; [c] and authorize the appropriate City officers to reserve the remaining $448,982 for Plan implementation in a reserve account within Fund CNR0 for future years expenditures on the approved Plan provided that no more than 70% ($511,263) amount approved for the Plan shall be obligated in the first three (3) years after approval of the Plan; and [d] authorize the appropriate City officers to enter into any contracts or agreements necessary to implement the activities above.


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