June 12, 2007 - Get ready to see the familiar yellow school bus in a new role this summer. Responding to youth and community concerns about safe transportation for young people wishing to attend out-of-school time programs, the Minneapolis Youth Coordinating Board is launching two
You^th Are Here bus routes, one serving Near North/Camden communities and the other serving Phillips/Powderhorn communities.
Young people ages 9-18 will be able to ride the bus for free, getting on and off the bus at 10-11 destinations along the route. The buses are also intended to get more young people involved in youth program opportunities and enable programs to reach youth who previously may not have attended their program due to a lack of transportation.
The buses will be available Monday through Friday, June 18th - August 24th for youth ages 9-18. Buses will travel a circular route every 50 minutes from Noon to 8 PM, stopping at designated libraries, parks, and nonprofit organizations. The buses will be staffed at all times by a youth worker.
The bus is free, but registration is required. Registration forms and materials are available at all
You^th Are Here bus sites (parks, libraries and non-profit organizations along the route). Downloadable registration forms, routes and more information flyers are available on the YCB website at
www.ycb.org. Materials are available in English; Spanish, Hmong and Somali. Route schedules can be found on the YCB website.
For more Please contact the YCB at (612) 673-2060 if you have any questions. For a copy of the route flyers, click on the links below:
Near North/Camden Flyer
Phillips/Powderhorn Flyer