April 10, 2007 - Do you ride transit, bike, walk or drive? The City of Minneapolis is hosting two public meetings to discuss draft recommendations for transportation improvements in downtown Minneapolis. The public will have an opportunity to provide feedback on plan recommendations and to discuss key transportation issues in downtown.
The workshops are being held:
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Central Library - Doty Room
300 Nicollet Mall
Thursday, April 12, 2007
5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
St. Olaf Catholic Church - Gathering Room
215 South 8th Street
Download and e-mail an open house flyer to others:
Open House April 2007 Flyer
Downtown Action Plan is the first part of a four-part citywide transportation planning effort. The other plan elements include: (1) Citywide Ten-Year Transportation Action Plan, (2) Street and Sidewalk Design Guidelines, and (3) Streetcar Feasibility Study. The remaining three plan elements will be discussed at future public meetings - most likely held in May or June. The Downtown Action Plan recommends a system approach to meeting transportation needs in downtown and includes recommended actions for pedestrians, bicycles, transit and automobiles.
Pre-registration for the public meetings is not required. Since the public meetings will include presentations on plan recommendations, followed by an opportunity for discussion of key plan elements and individual questions, people are encouraged to arrive at the designated meeting start time. People are also welcome to drop in at any time to view plan maps and talk with project staff.
Upon request, the City will provide reasonable accommodations to person with disabilities or who are in need of a translator. Please submit such requests or requests for additional information to Charleen Zimmer, Project Manager, at 612-673-3166 or
Charleen.Zimmer@ci.minneapolis.mn.us no later than seven days prior to the meeting.
Workshop 1 Summary
Workshop 1 Slide Presentation
Workshop 2 Summary
Workshop 2 Slide Presentation