January 18, 2007 - The City of Minneapolis recently summarized and reported several years of observations and recommendations about how the City engages residents and other community members in the City's decision-making processes. You can find this report - and information about upcoming public meetings - in the December 15 article on the front page of this web site, or at
http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us or by calling Clara Perrin, Community Engagement Coordinator, at (612) 673-3163.
The Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) and the City of Minneapolis want to know what you think about this important topic. Your responses to a survey will help us improve the City's community engagement processes. Please mail your completed survey to the NRP at 425 Crown Roller Mill, 105 5th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55401, or fax it to (612) 673-5138. We need to receive your response by no later than February 8, 2007.
Thank you for your interest and assistance.
NOTE: The survey officially closed on February 8th.
Download Flyers for the Upcoming Public Meetings on Community Enghagement:
English Version
Hmong Version
Loatian Version - Part 1
Loatian Version - Part 2
Loatian Version - Part 3
Oromo Version
Somali Version
Spanish Version
Vietnamese Version