New Dates Set For NRP Neighborhood Representatives Election

September 26, 2006 - At the September 25th Policy Board meeting, the board took action to extend the dates of the 2006 NRP Policy Board Neighborhood Representatives election cycle.

As of the September 15, 2006, deadline for neighborhood representative candidates to file for election to the NRP Policy Board, no candidates had filed for the position of Revitalization Neighborhood Representative.

Concerned that the city's 37 Revitalization neighborhoods have an elected NRP representative, the NRP Policy Board extended election cycle dates for all neighborhood representative positions. The new dates are:

New candidate filing deadline - Friday, October 13
New election date - Tuesday, December 12

Candidates must file with the League of Women Voters of Minneapolis.

For more information, download the following documents:

Memo to Neighborhood Organizations

Updated Elections Packet



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