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On CUE Cable Television Program on Minneapolis' Urban Environment to Make Debut in August

Tune in to On CUE and explore our urban environment. Sponsored by the Minneapolis Committee on Urban Environment (CUE), this new cable television program looks at the diverse people, issues, trends and physical elements of our built and natural surroundings. Starting in August, On CUE will air on Minneapolis City Cable 14 Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m.

August's On CUE is recorded on location in City Hall, where much of Minneapolis' planning and policymaking takes place. Phill Lindsay, a veteran of cultural and community development efforts and current chair of CUE, hosts the monthly program. Guests include people who represent community planning perspectives: Nick Koch, an architect for HGA whose passions orient him toward community and design. Peggy Booth, metro area regional forestry manager for the Department of Natural Resources, and Janet Abrams, Director for the University of Minnesota's Design Institute.

Tune in also for CUE Facts, find out why Minneapolis has so much stucco, and see what people on the street claim as their favorite built or natural features in Minneapolis.

For more information about On CUE, call 612.673.3014 or e-mail CUE@ci.minneapolis.mn.us. Online information On CUE is also available at www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/cue



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