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NRP Policy Board: December 17, 2007 Meeting Agenda
ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the request of the McKinley Neighborhood for a 17th modification of their Phase I Neighborhood Action Plan which moves $300,000 within established housing strategies in their plan. Download the Related Staff Report ACTION TAKEN: [NRP / FR#2007-26] Moved: Mark Stenglein/ Seconded: Ken Kelash RESOLVED: That in accordance with the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program Policy Board (Board) policy on "Changing Approved Action Plan and Early Access Requests" (approved by the NRP Policy Board on June 6, 1994 and amended on September 5, 1995, and November 19, 2007) the Board hereby approves that Directors Recommendation to authorizes the reallocation of $300,000 between existing plan strategies as detailed in the Summary of Proposed Changes included with the neighborhood plan modification request. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the use of $125,000 from the NRP Contingency Fund for the Allina and neighborhoods job agreement. Download the Related Staff Report ACTION TAKEN: [NRP / FR#2007-27] Moved: Mark Stenglein/ Seconded: Peter McLaughlin RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board ("Board") supports the Job Relocation, Resident Recruitment, and Community Stabilization Agreement Between the Allina Health System, NRP and the Neighborhoods of South Minneapolis ("Agreement") as detailed in the Attachment; RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Board approves and appropriates $125,000 from the Administrative Contingency Fund approved by the Board on March 22, 2004 as an additional NRP commitment to the relocation loan offered under this Agreement to the Allina Health Systems; RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Board authorizes the Director to spend up to that amount for this loan and negotiate and sign any Agreements needed to transfer these funds without further approval from this Board; and RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Director is hereby authorized and directed to request that the City Council, City of Minneapolis, appropriate $125,000 to Fund CNR0-890-3550 for the purposes herein authorized. Resolution on the future of NRP ACTION TAKEN: [NRP / PR#2007-23] Moved: Jeffrey Strand/ Seconded: Mark Stenglein adopted with Barbara Johnson and Mark Stenglein abstaining from voting WHEREAS, The Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) was enabled by Legislative action and established as a Joint Powers program in 1991 by multi-jurisdictional actions to preserve and enhance private and public infrastructure, public health and safety, economic vitality, sense of community, social benefits and capacity building in the neighborhoods of the City of Minneapolis (City); and WHEREAS, In 2008 the need for neighborhood infrastructure and investment remains critical as Minneapolis neighborhoods and residents face new and continuing challenges that negatively impact neighborhood livability, such as the ongoing mortgage foreclosure crisis; and WHEREAS, The residents of Minneapolis, volunteering through their neighborhood organizations, have contributed more than one million hours (1,000,000) of volunteer service to make this City a better place to live, work, learn and play; and WHEREAS, Minneapolis residents have become more connected to their City and other local governments through their involvement with their neighborhood organizations; and WHEREAS, The Teamworks evaluation of NRP praised the program and found statistically significant evidence that NRP has improved the housing stock of the City of Minneapolis, increased homeownership rates and fostered inter-governmental collaboration; and WHEREAS, Residents of the City believe that NRP has greatly contributed to the quality of life in the City and allowed them to directly participate in decisions that affect their lives; and WHEREAS, NRP has been internationally recognized as a successful and innovative community empowerment program; and WHEREAS, The residents of the City have repeatedly expressed and reaffirmed their opinions regarding the continuation of NRP and its funding, governance and organizational structure and have strongly supported: * Continuation of the NRP program * Funding for organizing and resident participation activities at the neighborhood level * Funding for implementation of projects and programs identified in Neighborhood Action Plans * Having an independent NRP Board * Having NRP staffed by employees of the NRP Board * Strengthening the formal public processes through which neighborhood organizations can meaningfully communicate and participate in City decisions; and WHEREAS, The NRP Policy Board wants to maximize the potential for the continued success of NRP, encourage even greater resident participation and recognize and work within the continually changing financial environment in which the program operates; and WHEREAS, Neighborhood organizations through the use of NRP funds have leveraged over ONE BILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000,000) in additional public and private investments in the City of Minneapolis; and WHEREAS, The long-term funding provided to neighborhood organizations through the Neighborhood Revitalization Program has empowered neighborhood organizations and residents allowing them to plan and implement strategies that have positively affected the quality of life in every neighborhood of the City; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the NRP Policy Board strongly supports, (1.)That the NRP Phase II neighborhood allocations be funded at one hundred percent 100%; and FURTHER RESOLVED, (2.) That NRP continues beyond 2009; and FURTHER RESOLVED, (3.) That funding for NRP beyond 2009 is at a minimum of four million dollars ($4,000,000) for operating support and a minimum of eight million dollars ($8,000,000) for discretionary/implementation funding with no less than eighty-five FURTHER RESOLVED, (4.) That secure stable, dedicated, and predictable revenue sources are provided for the operating support and discretionary/implementation funding indicated above for a period of no less than ten (10) years; and FURTHER RESOLVED, (5.) That the Neighborhood Revitalization Program be governed by an independent board comprised of no less than fifty percent (50%) neighborhood representatives who are elected by neighborhood organizations; and FURTHER RESOLVED, (6.) That the Neighborhood Revitalization Program central office staffing is under the direct supervision and control of the NRP board; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, (7.) That efforts be made to improve the cooperation between neighborhood organizations and local units of government; Resolution on Legacy Fund Transfers ACTION TAKEN: [NRP / PR#2007-24] Moved: Carol Pass/ Seconded: Debbie Evans and adopted with Barbara Johnson voting against the resolution WHEREAS, The City Council has taken the positive and welcome action to guarantee that each neighborhood of the City will receive at least 70% of its Phase II NRP neighborhood allocation; and WHEREAS, Sources of revenue are still needed to address the projected shortfall of more than $12.5 million that results from the October 1, 2007 projections of Common Project revenue provided by the City; and WHEREAS, The City has identified the Legacy Fund as the source of its 70% guarantee; and WHEREAS, The current Discretionary Development Funding resolution of the City (Resolution 2003R-404) uses transfers from the Common Project to repay expenditures that would otherwise draw down the balance of the Legacy Fund; and WHEREAS, The Common Project has been and is the primary source of funding for NRP; Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the NRP Policy Board strongly urges the Minneapolis City Council to immediately end its use of transfers from the Common Project to pay for expenditures from the Legacy Fund; Further Resolved, that the transfers approved to cover expenditures that have already been made from the Legacy Fund be honored but that no transfers be made to pay for any Legacy Fund expenses for which there is an allocation but no expenditure as of December 31, 2007. ACTION REQUESTED: None Download the Related Staff Report ACTION REQUESTED: None. Briefing by Council Vice-President Robert Lilligren |
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